Immune Disorders
The Role of Immunophen™ In Common Immune System Disorders
There are many human ailments that are caused by the immune system working in unexpected ways. In today’s world many people over-respond to toxins, allergens, normal bacteria and parasites and under-respond to viruses, yeast, cancer and intracellular bacteria.
Some people get allergies that are caused by the immune system overreacting to certain stimuli. Others get diabetes, which is caused by the immune system attacking cells in the pancreas and destroying them. Still others get rheumatoid arthritis, which is caused by the immune system acting inappropriately in the joints. In all these diseases, the cause is actually an immune system error. The immune system has become out of balance. A healthy immune system is dynamic, able to switch back and forth as needed, quickly eradicating one threat and then resting before responding to the next. Immunophen™ is a key component in aiding the immune system to return to this delicate balance.
For some reason, in people with allergies, the immune system strongly reacts to an allergen when it should be ignored. Blood tests can measure the levels of allergy-related substances, especially one called immunoglobulin E (IgE). The allergen might be food, or pollen, or animal fur. A person allergic to pollen will get a runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, etc. This reaction is caused primarily by mast cells in the nasal passages. In reaction to the pollen the mast cells release histamine. Histamine has the effect of causing inflammation, which allows fluid to flow from blood vessels. Histamine also causes itching. To eliminate these symptoms the drug of choice is, of course, an antihistamine. However, this is only a temporary solution. What is required is a rebalancing at the very core of the immune system. This is the purpose of Immunophen™.
Candida Albicans
This common fungus grows both as yeast and filamentous cells in 80% of the human population generally without causing harmful effects. However, when the immune system is compromised by stress, a virus, lack of sleep, poor health habits and certain medications it can overgrow. It is commonly seen as oral thrush which causes discomfort, pain, and difficulties eating. It is also responsible for vaginal yeast infections. A systemic overgrowth of Candida Albicans results in Candidiasis. Candidiasis is often observed in immune-compromised individuals such as HIV-infected patients. Again the most helpful treatment should be aimed at balancing the immune system to enable it to do its job well. A healthy lifestyle combined with a natural supplement such as Immunophen™ is an excellent choice.
Infection with the virus herpes can cause pain, blistering and much discomfort. And there is no cure. But it has recently been discovered that the wily herpes virus is capable of tricking a compromised immune system into thinking it is not a virus at all. This causes the confused immune system to produce the wrong type of killer defence cells which unfortunately have no effect on viruses.
Here is a quick explanation of the immune system’s modes of attack.
The main defence cells of the immune system are called unformed cells or T helper 0 (Th0) cells. They are activated by the information they receive from the type of pathogen invading the body. Once this information is known they become either T helper 1 (Th1) cells able to defend the body against viruses, yeast, cancer and intracellular bacteria.
Or they become T helper 2 (Th2) cells that respond to toxins, allergens, normal bacteria and parasites. The presence of the herpes virus in a body should activate the immune system to produce a Th1 response and kill the virus. However, it is now understood that the herpes virus knows how to deceive the immune system into producing Th2 cells instead and this allows the herpes virus to slip under the radar so to speak and live in the body forever.
Calling an immune system ‘out of balance’ or Th2 activated means, in the case of the herpes virus, that it has begun to over-respond to toxins, allergens, normal bacteria and parasites and under respond to viruses, yeast, cancer and intracellular bacteria. One very effective way to restore balance to the immune system is pinecone extract a natural remedy that has been used for centuries in Japan and Greece. Through extensive research it is believed to be capable of causing a shift in the immune system toward Th1. And for the herpes virus this shift is deadly. Pinecone extract, Ligna-Plex™, is the key ingredient in Immunophen™.
Colds and Flu
Colds are a part of life. They are usually harmless and get better on their own within a week. But symptoms like coughing, a sore throat or a headache can be bothersome. A common cold is an infection that develops over a few days. It is usually caused by a virus and generally begins with a sore or scratchy throat. Within a few days, more symptoms can start: a blocked or runny nose, sneezing, coughing and a headache. Sometimes people have a mild fever and feel weak too.
Even though a cold can make you feel really sick, if you are otherwise healthy, a cold will get a lot better by itself within a week. The worst is usually over within three or four days.
The types of virus that cause colds are basically different from those that cause the flu (influenza). The flu is usually associated with more severe symptoms than a cold. The flu can start quite suddenly, with a high fever, shivering, achy joints and muscle ache. Flu hits faster, harder, and lasts longer than a cold. Since antibiotics do not work on a virus the best defence against cold and flu season is 100 mg a day of Immunophen™. There are no side effects and the longer it is taken the better the body can build up a healthy immune system to cope with the onslaught of viruses we are exposed to every day.
Chronic Neuroimmune Diseases
Immunophen ™ has shown in clinical studies to relieve some of the symptoms associated with those that suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, as well Multiple Chemical Sensitivity to such foods as garlic and onion. This means that people who suffer from these symptoms are Th2 activated. They over respond to allergens, normal bacteria and under respond to virus yeast , mold , cancer and toxic bacterium’s. When Th2 cells are activated it blocks the Th1 immune response and the body no longer has the defence mechanisms needed to keep the immune system in a healthy state . Pinecone extract – the key ingredient in Immunophen™ - helps rebalance the immune system enabling the body to switch back and forth when needed.